
Using Your Feet in Thai Bodywork, MN, USA


This 4-day course explores the many ways to creatively and effectively use your feet as you work in traditional Thai healing arts. The class is open to all levels of students with previous experience in Thai massage. Stop palming so much, and save your wrists. Use your feet more often!

From: 9:00 am until 5:00 pm

At: Devanadi Yoga, April 12-15, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Address: Minneapolis, MN


Cost: $500 ($550 after March 12, 2018)

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This 4-day course explores the many ways to creatively and effectively use your feet as you work in traditional Thai healing arts. The class is open to all levels of students with previous experience in Thai massage. We study and refine several critical techniques for working lateral and posterior leg lines, the hips and the upper and lower back. We focus on ways to utilize sensing with our feet to detect energy blocks and pockets of tension, and ways to ground ourselves while using feet in a standing position. We also practice ways to use the feet for gentle balancing and suspension poses that encourage tension and stress to leave our clients.

This an extremely popular workshop which can easily change the way you approach your work on the mat. Join us for a unique, challenging and fun workshop, open to all levels of students and therapists.

Stop palming so much, and save your wrists. Use your feet more often!

25 hours CEU NCBTMB

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